Liquidity Mining (LM)

Liquidity Mining

  • CYC can be supplied to DEX on different blockchains such as Uniswap, Pancake and mimo to produce CYC-ETH (TBD), CYC-BNB and CYC-IOTX Pool Tokens separately

  • Deposit of Pool Tokens to the contract to earn Daily Liquidity Reward

  • The Daily Liquidity Reward for each liquidity pair is composed of 20 CYC tokens for now, which is subject to change according to the decentralized governance

  • All CYC tokens in the daily liquidity pool are proportionally distributed to whoever stakes Pool Tokens

  • Liquidity miners can claim their CYC reward anytime, stake or unstake their pool tokens anytime.


  • For liquidity mining on IoTeX, there is NO FEE;

  • For liquidity mining on BSC, 0.5% of the LP tokens deposited is charged that is used to buy back CYC and burn.

Last updated