
This page explains how to compile/deploy/test/interact with smart contracts. There are four major contracts which are Cyclone token, GovernorAlpha/Timelock, Aeolus, and Cyclone (Coin, ERC20)


  1. Install truffle

    npm install -g truffle
  2. Install dependencies

    npm install
  3. Install ioctl - the command-line tool to interact with IoTeX blockchain

install ioctl following the instructions:

Compile contracts

npm run build:contract

Deploy contracts

  • CycloneToken

  1. Deploy a CycloneToken ct

ioctl contract deploy bytecode CYCLONETOKEN_BYTECODE ABI_PATH '{"_operator": "OPERATOR_ADDRESS", "_lp": "INITIAL_LP_ADDRESS"}'
  • Timelock & GovernorAlpha

  1. Deploy Timelock tl

ioctl contract deploy bytecode TIMELOCK_BYTECODE TIMELOCK_ABI_PATH '{"admin_": DEPLOY_ADMIN_ADDRESS, "delay_": DELAY_IN_SEC}'

2. Deploy GorvernorAlpha ga (e.g., voting duration:3 days)

ioctl contract deploy bytecode GORVERNOR_BYTECODE GOVERNOR_ABI_PATH '{"timelock_": TIMELOCK_ADDRESS, "sushi_": CYCTOKEN_ADDRESS, "guardian_": ADMIN_ADDRESS, "votingDuration_": 51840}'

3. Set Timelock's pending admin to GovernorAlpha ga

 ioctl contract invoke function TIMELOCK_ADDRESS TIMELOCK_ABI_PATH "setPendingAdmin" --with-arguments '{"pendingAdmin_": GOVERNOR_ADDRESS}'

4. Accept Admin from GovernorAlpha ga triggered by guardian

 ioctl contract invoke function GOVERNOR_ADDRESS GOVERNOR_ABI_PATH "__acceptAdmin"
  • Aeolus

  1. Add Liquidity for CYC/IOTX on MimoFactory and receive CYC-IOTX LP Token

  2. Deploy an Aeolus as with ct address

ioctl contract deploy bytecode AEOLUS_BYTECODE ABI_PATH '{"_cycToken": CYC_TOKEN, "_lpToken" : LP_TOKEN}'

3. Invoke ct.addMinter() to set as to be minters for CYC token

ioctl contract invoke function CYCTOKEN_ADDRESS CYCTOKEN_ABI_PATH "addMinter" --with-arguments '{"_minter": AEOLUS_ADDRESS}'
  • CoinCyclone, ERC20Cyclone

  1. Deploy Hasher hr

    ioctl contract deploy bytecode HASHER_BYTECODE
  2. Deploy Verifier vr

    ioctl contract deploy bytecode VERIFIER_BYTECODE
  3. Deploy CoinCyclone cc, ERC20Cyclone ec linked by Hasher hr with as, vr, ct, mfand if necessary, XRC20 token address

    link CoinCyclone_BYTECODE/ERC20Cyclone_BYTECODE with HASHER_ADDRESS (use linker.js)
    ioctl contract deploy bytecode CoinCyclone_LINKED_BYTECODE CoinCyclone_ABI_PATH'{"_verifier": VERIFIER_ADDRESS, "_cyctoken": CYCTOKEN_ADDRESS, "_mimoFactory": MIMOFACTORY_ADDRESS, "_aeolus": AEOLUS_ADDRESS, "_initDenomination" : DENOMINATION_AMOUNT, "_denominationRound": DENOMINATION_ROUND, "_merkleTreeHeight" : MERKLETREE_HEIGHT, "_operator": TIMELOCK_ADDRESS}'
    ioctl contract deploy bytecode ERC20Cyclone_LINKED_BYTECODE ERC20Cyclone_ABI_PATH '{"_verifier": VERIFIER_ADDRESS, "_cyctoken": CYCTOKEN_ADDRESS, "_mimoFactory": MIMOFACTORY_ADDRESS, "_aeolus": AEOLUS_ADDRESS, "_initDenomination" : DENOMINATION_AMOUNT, "_denominationRound": DENOMINATION_ROUND, "_merkleTreeHeight" : MERKLETREE_HEIGHT, "_operator": TIMELOCK_ADDRESS, "_xrc20Token" : XRC20TOKEN_ADDRESS}'
  4. Invoke ct.addMinter() to set cc and ec to be minters for CYC token

    ioctl contract invoke function CYCTOKEN_ADDRESS CYCTOKEN_ABI_PATH "addMinter" --with-arguments '{"_minter": CoinCyclone_ADDRESS}'
    ioctl contract invoke function CYCTOKEN_ADDRESS CYCTOKEN_ABI_PATH "addMinter" --with-arguments '{"_minter": ERC20Cyclone_ADDRESS}'  
  5. Invoke as.addAddressToWhitelist() to set cc and ec to be whitelists for Aeolus to invoke addReward()

    ioctl contract invoke function AEOLUS_ADDRESS AEOLUS_ABI_PATH "addAddressToWhitelist" --with-arguments '{"addr": CoinCyclone_ADDRESS}'
    ioctl contract invoke function AEOLUS_ADDRESS AEOLUS_ABI_PATH "addAddressToWhitelist" --with-arguments '{"addr": ERC20Cyclone_ADDRESS}'

Test contracts

  1. node version nvm use 11.15.0

  2. build zk circuits npm run build

  3. if you want to use test network, just run npm run test (default).

    If you want to use development network,

    • modify truffle-config.js (uncomment development network)

    • run ganache-cli i 1337

    • run npm run test

Interaction with Cyclone contracts [Anonymity Mining]

  1. Requirements

  2. nvm use 11.15.0

  3. npm install -g npx

  4. Set up .env file

    • cp .env.example .env

    • vi .env - add your private key, deployed contract address and denomination value

  5. Build zk circuits: npm run build. Note that if you want to build zk circuits (including verifier.sol, proof/verify-keys) locally, you need to:

    • npm uninstall websnark

    • npm install websnark@"git+"

    • npm run build:local - It might take more than 10 minutes as it performs the trust-setup locally.

  6. Deposit

    • Testnet

      ./client.js deposit IOTX|XRC20 --rpc

    • Mainnet

      ./client.js deposit IOTX|XRC20 --rpc

  7. Withdraw

    • Testnet

      ./client.js withdraw NOTE RECIPIENT_ADDRESS --rpc --relayer RELAYER_URL

    • Mainnet

      ./client.js withdraw NOTE RECIPIENT_ADDRESS --rpc --relayer RELAYER_URL

Interaction with Aeolus contract [Liquidity Mining]

  1. Add Liquidity for CYC/IOTX on MimoFactory and receive CYC-IOTX LP Token

  2. Deposit

  • Approve CYC-IOTX LP Token

  • Deposit CYC-IOTX LP Token

ioctl contract invoke function AEOLUS_ADDRESS abi/Aeolus.json "deposit" --with-arguments '{"_amount": AMOUNT}'

3. Withdraw

ioctl contract invoke function AEOLUS_ADDRESS abi/Aeolus.json "withdraw" --with-arguments '{"_amount": AMOUNT}'

Interaction with GovernorAlpha contract [Governance]

  1. Self-delegate or delegate your CYC token for governance. If you do not delegate your votes, the token will not be considered as voting power.

ioctl contract invoke function CYCTOKEN_ADDRESS abi/CycloneToken.json "delegate" --with-arguments '{"delegatee": ADDRESS_YOU_WANT_TO_DELEGATE}' -s mainnet -y

2. Propose a new change in cyclone contracts such as updateConfig, changeGovDAO, and updateVerifier. The proposer should have more than 1000 CYC Token. Voting will run for 3 days. -- Use abi-encoder to get encoded argument data.

ioctl contract invoke function GOVERNOR_ADDRESS abi/GovernorAlpha.json "propose" --with-arguments '{"targets": [CYCLONE_ADDRESS], "values": [0], "signatures": ["updateConfig(uint256,uint256,uint256,uint256)"], "calldatas": ["..."], "description": "update configs in cyclone contract"}'

3. During the 3 days of voting duration, token holders who self-delegate or delegate can cast votes for a certain proposal.

ioctl contract invoke function GOVERNOR_ADDRESS abi/GovernorAlpha.json "castVote" --with-arguments '{"proposalId": 1, "support": true}'

4. After 3 days of voting duration, if the proposal gets more than 4000 CYC votes, the proposer can queue the transaction into Timelock.

ioctl contract invoke function GOVERNOR_ADDRESS abi/GovernorAlpha.json "queue" --with-arguments '{"proposalId": 1}'

5. After the timelock delay, the proposer can execute the transaction in timelock.

ioctl contract invoke function GOVERNOR_ADDRESS abi/GovernorAlpha.json "execute" --with-arguments '{"proposalId": 1}'

Last updated

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